@bkbinthecity@ludwigsdiana@inthecloud5@rustymonkey@carole_sandford@dizzyd@777margo@quietpurplehaze@happysnaps@fbailey@hermann@beryl@hrs@gilbertwood@nicolecampbell@pcoulson@pdulis@mave@onlyme111@cutekitty Wow, thanks so much for all the comments and favs. I could see the beginning of the sunset from home and knew it was going to be nice, but as I walked down to the beach it turned out to be spectacular. The few people I saw walking along the beach commented on it and the golden glow was stunning. @gamelee This is exactly as it was Lee, everyone on the beach was surrounded in the golden glow. It was amazing. All I have done to this photo is crop it in slightly. @paul10 That is exactly what I wanted to achieve with this shot Paul. As you say the boats were insignificant beneath the sky. I just wanted to put the main emphasis on the sky. Glad you could see what I was aiming at.
@gamelee This is exactly as it was Lee, everyone on the beach was surrounded in the golden glow. It was amazing. All I have done to this photo is crop it in slightly.
@paul10 That is exactly what I wanted to achieve with this shot Paul. As you say the boats were insignificant beneath the sky. I just wanted to put the main emphasis on the sky. Glad you could see what I was aiming at.
another TT on the way methinks :)