I am a bit late starting the one subject 30 shots theme and my subject is going to be slightly different.
As we are mainly self isolating at the moment my subject is going to be more variable. So I will be posting home photos and my subject is 'isolation.' I wouldn't be able to do a month of a single specific subject as I would run out of ideas for taking 30 photos of a windchime for instance or a plant etc.
I am not sure how long I will stick to the theme because I do tend to get side tracked, but I may manage 3 weeks if I am lucky. We will see how it goes.
Sorry to be different, but my project, my rules. ha ha. Hope my subject is acceptable
Familiar scene. I will be very interested to see how you keep on interpreting an experience rather than a finite object. lf anyone can do it, you will, Babs.
Great start to the the 30 day challenge Babs makes the viewer interested and wanting to see more, I couldn't pick a single item to shoot thirty times so went with my garden as the subject:)
I don’t follow themes Babs, never know where to find them for a start so anyone who manages to do a whole month I take my hat off to. Loving the clean look to this photo ....shows exactly how isolation feels!
I like how the light is almost oozing in. I completely understand about the 30 shots, I will try but honor a change if that is what is needed for that particular day, if it shows up. Anyhow, its our own project and our rules, isn't it?
I love the blinds and a sneak preview of the outside!