Killing two birds with one stone! We just don't really have post boxes here but had one when we lived in Germany. Wasn't sure about having to go and retrieve the post in the middle of winter or on a very wet day though!
@creampuff@lpot1985 Thanks so much. this is a letter box at someone's house. All our letter boxes are ouotside here and this one is pretty old I think because the house it belongs to is old.
@lafish@april16@eyesmile@888rachel Thanks. Beautiful isn't it. I wonder how much longer it will be before people will wonder what these are at all. I can almost hear my grandchildren saying. In the olden days they used to have post delivered to their houses.
@paulaw Thanks Paula. Definitely two birds and one stone here. Our post boxes in Australia are olutside,but luckily it doesn't get too cold. My daughter Debbie lived in Boston USA for a while and had to get really rugged up to go outside and collect her main in winter there.