Off into the sunset by orangecrush

Off into the sunset

Happy New Year everyone! A little late but just as sincere! :) I've been on a little vacation for the holidays but I'm glad to be back! I'm looking forward to catching up and meeting some new 365ers! This has always been my favorite time when I can witness the new artists here and meet some new friends! I hope you all had a great holiday season!
I love the lighting in this photo, and the loooong shadow!
January 8th, 2015  
Lovely, driving into the setting sun!
January 8th, 2015  
Thank you so much, Kerry! :) @kerrynz
@trinda Thank you, Trinda! :)
January 8th, 2015  
Hi Jerry! Another awesome image--Happy New Year!
January 8th, 2015  
@aikiuser Jenn! Great to see you! Happy New Year too you! :)
January 8th, 2015  
Great lighting and shadow!
January 8th, 2015  
Hi jerry! Happy new year! Such a wonderful shot to start 2015. Love the light and composition.
January 8th, 2015  
Happy New year Jerry. So glad to see your still on 365! Just hopped back in for another year. Wonderful image!
January 8th, 2015  
The sun looks awesome in this, along with the long shadow! Nice that you got the entire shadow, too! Happy New Year!
January 8th, 2015  
Love bikes, B&W and sunsets. A perfect storm, fav
January 8th, 2015  
This is fabulous Jerry. Hope you have a great New Year
January 8th, 2015  
Love Jerry
January 8th, 2015  
really love a lot about this photo Jerry. Happy New Year to you too.
January 8th, 2015  
Wonderful image, Jerry!! Welcome back, and Happy New Year!
January 8th, 2015  
Sigh... Gorgeous....

Happy new year to you too!
January 8th, 2015  
That is a great photo
January 8th, 2015  
Great shot in B&W!
January 8th, 2015  
Beautiful, Jerry. Happy New Year!
January 8th, 2015  
Awesome shot
January 8th, 2015  
Fabulous image - love that long shadow!! Fav!
January 8th, 2015  
Cool shot, happy new year Jerry :)
January 8th, 2015  
Fantastic shot!
January 8th, 2015  
Happy New Year, Jerry and welcome back!
January 8th, 2015  
very pretty riding into the sun! love the b&w!
January 8th, 2015  
Great shadow. Happy New Year. :)
January 8th, 2015  
Happy New Year, a gorgeous shot to bring in 2015
January 8th, 2015  
Wonderful image. Happy New Year to you too!
January 8th, 2015  
Love it in B&W
January 8th, 2015  
one with the ..beach..beautiful sunset too...have to fav this Jerry and keep an eye on your 2015 project...cheers john
January 8th, 2015  
The black and white looks amazing in this, love it
January 8th, 2015  
Happy New Year!! good processing and pov
January 9th, 2015  
You know I will go for bw in favs right? ;)
January 9th, 2015  
Happy New Year to you too, Jerry. Lovely long shadows here. Love the way the cyclist is heading towards the unknown (year ahead).
January 9th, 2015  
Great shot Jerry. I love the long trailing shadow.
November 9th, 2015  
Amazing shot!
November 11th, 2015  
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