George 4 years old by pamknowler

George 4 years old

It was George's birthday on the 11th October and he is now 4 years old. I thought I needed to do a birthday portrait of him.

They are fighting as I type this with George making all the noise!! Still fighting to be the Alpha dog!! Driving me mad!! LOL!!
Happy birthday gorgeous boy.

This looks fabulous on black
October 16th, 2021  
Aww happy birthday George!
October 16th, 2021  
Doesn't he look gorgeous. Happy Birthday George.
October 16th, 2021  
Happy birthday George! Such a nice portrait of him!
October 16th, 2021  
Happy Birthday George - looking good.
October 16th, 2021  
He likes to be photographed. My dog always turned away from the camera and gave me the side-eye. Happy birthday, George.
October 16th, 2021  
Can’t be four years since George joined your household! Life must have been so quiet before! Happy birthday George.
October 16th, 2021  
Lovely portrait Pam
October 16th, 2021  
Great birthday portrait!
October 16th, 2021  
He’s adorable!
October 16th, 2021  
Like Pat, can't believe that George is 4 already! Lovely portrait.
October 17th, 2021  
Cute, happy birthday George!
October 17th, 2021  
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