Wouldn't you know it the East wind that we have had for days now whipping into all the nooks and crannies has completely died today. Of course I am thankful for that but it could have waited until I took a shot for today's topic - Wind!! And so Finlay to the rescue - this is out on our walk this morning - if you look closely there are tiny dots of snow. Happy Easter everyone!!
@mwbc@quietpurplehaze Many thanks Megan and Hazel. Finlay loves it when we go to the field - its far enough away from the road that I feel confident in taking him off the lead but only when his friends are there. They all keep together and my friend always sneaks his lead back on when its time as if he spots me with it we have a game of "catch me if you can". I wouldn't trust him anywhere else Hazel as his "come" comand only works if there are no other dogs around!! LOL!!
@filsie65 Many thanks Phil!! Finlay is my first dog and he is now 1 year 3 months old - so still a puppy really. I always had cats when I was working but have always wanted a dog. So pleased to have Finlay - he is such a lovely companion and so affectionate!!