Well there were no bees in my garden today - its a bit early as there are so few flowers about still. Anyway I got a shot of a bluebottle - it was very frustrating as there were lots of insects flying around but they would not settle and if they did they were off straight away!!. Taken with my Canon 100mm IS Macro Lens
@abhijit@scolgs Many thanks Abhjit and Sarah. I am pleased with the clarity of this shot as it was taken hand held. I really prefer to do macro shots on the tripod but i was trying out the IS on the lens today. The clarity is better than the shot taken with the 100-400mm lens (with heavy crop) On the tripod is much better for focus and sharpness.
@elaine55@mittens Many thanks Marilyn!! Elaine I actually have a plastic tennis raquet which has batteries in and when you touch the fly they sizzle!! I definitely should not have said that online!! LOL!!