Alternate shot for todays topic - Childhood memories.
This is me and my cousin Bob on holiday in Cornwall. We are in our early teens. My Aunt Doll and my two cousins always came on holiday with us after my Uncle went off with a lady on his milk round - he was the milkman and used to pop in for a cuppa (and it seems a bit more!!) I can remember all the adults talking about this - strange what sticks in your mind!!
I remember this photo as my Dad had borrowed a friend's camera and he wanted to take shots of us all the time but it was so complicated it took him ages to take the shot. We were getting very fed up with him fiddling about and saying "nearly ready"!! I think this was one of the few shots Dad took that week where he didn't cut our heads off or completely over expose the shot!! How cameras have changed.
Great story& memory with a lovely shot of the two of you --whatever you say , your father must have an artistic flair to achieve such a good proportioned composition !!-- a lovely shot
What another amazing photo and wonderful recall and memoires. Love the name Aunt Doll and the fact your family picked up when the husband walked away. No wonder you remember that it was probably on everyone's mind a lot...