365 by parisouailleurs


This famous LOVE statue in Philadelphia seems the perfect subject to express my love for 365 and for you guys.
365th picture! I can't believe it! I spent a lot of time thinking about what I could do for the 365th. Beeing on vacations without my computer didn't help. (My pictures are a little mixed because I didn't change the date on the cameras between Europe and the US and I have a lot to catch up after a week without uploading and my 1600 pictures taken... but who cares?)

First, and like most of you, when I started I would never imagine to come up with such a nice community.
I heard of 365 from an American woman who lives in Paris and whom I met via Twitter. Unfortunatly she stopped the project. I would never imagine to feel so good in a web community. People here are so nice and honestly you're helping me a lot in the confident I have in my pictures. I built friendship, hope to be able to meet some of you, thank you every days for your wonderful support and comments.
I'm amazed how nice many of you have been when you dicovered I was in the States, asking to meet me, you can't imagine how happy it make me feel.
A daily picture is a real challenge, even for someone like me who lives in Paris, wich is full of opportunities. I do the project for myself but try to upload different subjects or views. With 365 I took more pictures that I would have, getting out of the bus because I saw "something" for here. I wanted to show you my Paris and you make me feel more curious about it.
I don't know if I'll have so much time in the future but i'm too addicted to stop. I created an 2nd album in January to upload my extra album, but in fact I hate to have a blank day so I'm looking for 2 pics a day. Then few weeks ago I created a Just for fun, with things that make me smile and laugh, and realize that I'm looking for those more and more during my "pictures hunt".
Once again, this picture is for you, to express my love to you my friends, my wonderful followers and a big LOVE to Ross too.
Gorgeous picture! Congratulations! :)
May 23rd, 2011  
I was hoping you'd get to see the Love statue while in Philly. :) I only started following you a few months back but I have really enjoyed seeing your photographs of Paris and elsewhere. I don't always comment but I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy your photos and I hope to still see you around. :)
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations!!! You made it. What a fun photo for 365.
May 23rd, 2011  
Great 365 shot Helene. Many congratulations on finishing and I'm very glad to hear you'll be carrying on!
May 23rd, 2011  
@appaloosa05 you're so sweet thank you so much Megan.
May 23rd, 2011  
Felicitations! What a great 365th picture :) Surtout nous quitte pas!!!!!
May 23rd, 2011  
You're welcome! :)
May 23rd, 2011  
congrats! It was great sharing the year with you.
May 23rd, 2011  
Great shot Helene! I didn't realize the Love sculpture was in Philly. We have the same one at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. I thought ours was the one. I am glad to hear you finished up your frist 365 days of photos and will be continuing on. I LOVE your stuff!
May 23rd, 2011  
well, you have to love that! congrats!
May 23rd, 2011  
Well done on getting to the 365 Helene, I always look forward to your photos and I'm so glad you are carrying on. A fabulous photo for your 365th day too. :-)
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations on reaching 365 and thank you for sharing your Paris and also for your comments. Best of luck for the future.
May 23rd, 2011  
Celebrations ! You were one of the first people I met on the 365 ~ and you welcomed me with open arms so thank you to you ! Thanks for sharing the 'love' !!
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations on finishing your 365! I have loved seeing your pictures of Paris and remembering my 2 visits there.
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations I have really enjoyed viewing all your pictures, and thank you for all your nice comments
May 23rd, 2011  
What a cool picture! I love it with the white background! And congratulations for this milestone!
May 23rd, 2011  
@scatcat Thank you, I'm sure a blue sky would have been better than this bad weather's sky ;-)
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your world!
May 23rd, 2011  
Many congrats Helene...
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations! I am soooo glad you are going to carry on!!! This is s wonderful pic to finish with! :0)
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations, Helene! We love you too! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you through your beautiful photos, and I enjoy seeing Paris through a native's eyes. I'm glad to hear you'll still be around!
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations! This love sign looks like the one outside the hotel in my March 18th shot.
May 23rd, 2011  
Great sign! congratulations on making the 365 mark! So good you made it! I hope to see you around, I really like your pictures. Your city-shots are an inspiration to me.
May 23rd, 2011  
May 23rd, 2011  
Well done! Great 356th shot.
May 23rd, 2011  
Awesome achievement! :D I love that statue...
May 23rd, 2011  
100% complete! Great achievement - filled with great pics and I LOVE your choice for 365. Fave!
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations on completing your 365!
May 23rd, 2011  
Congratulations! Great accomplishment! What a fabulous idea for your 365th picture!
May 23rd, 2011  
well done, congratulations.
May 23rd, 2011  
Very well said! I am so glad that you found your way on here, you really add a lot to this community! Sending tons of bisous!
May 23rd, 2011  
I too have photographed this helene but this is way better. A lovely picture to mark a brilliant achievement.

Thank you so much for your generous comments and beautiful images of Paris, which have been such an important part of the pleasure of 365.
May 23rd, 2011  
Wonderful shot of this landmark.

You already know that I get so much from your incredible photos of Paris. They have added to the delight of 365! Congrats on completing the year, Helene!
May 23rd, 2011  
Congrats on 365! Thanks for sharing Paris. Hope you're having a great time in the US!
May 24th, 2011  
Congratulations! I'm happy you don't stop. I love your pictures!
May 24th, 2011  
Congrats! It's perfect :)
May 24th, 2011  
yay congrats for making it to 365...perfect iconic shot to celebrate!
May 24th, 2011  
Congratulations and I have loved sharing your view of Paris with you. I am so happy that you will continue to share your fantastic photos with us. You have such a great eye for beautiful compositions.
May 24th, 2011  
Congratulations, Helene!
May 24th, 2011  
I am so sad I didn't get to see you!
May 24th, 2011  
Félicitations pour la finition de ce projet! J'aime à voir vos photos chaque jour. Paris est une ville avec de nombreuses photos, mais vous l'avez montré à nous à travers vos yeux! Une vision très particulière de cette belle ville. Merci de partager avec nous.

I have also enjoyed the chance to practice my French with such a kind person, who is always willing to speak "Franglais" when I forget the right French words. I hope that we get to meet next time I am in Paris!!

Je suis heureux que vous continuerez sur ce projet et j'ai hâte de voir plus de photos!
May 25th, 2011  
YAY!!! Congrats, Helene!!!! I ams o happy to see you are still posting!!! I haven't been commenting much lately, but I've always enjoyed your photos of Paris, and beautiful kitties, and wonderful moments!! Looking forward to another year of stunning shots! ;-)
May 25th, 2011  
yeh, congrats.
May 26th, 2011  
Marvelous! This awesome photo, a favorite image, and your wonderful commentary make up this memory keeper of the year we've shared on 365! You're so involved, taking beautiful pictures and sharing such thoughtful comments, you're central to the since circle of people I've enjoyed around here! Congratulations for not only completing the project, but doing it with such a terrific photo...and even going on!
May 28th, 2011  
You have been such an asset to 365, so generously sharing your wonderful city. I somehow have missed out on your postings for awhile but it is so nice to be able to stroll back and forward through your wonderful photos of NYC and Philly as well as Paris. I hope you will continue to post your images of the world.
May 31st, 2011  
@allie912 Thank you so much Allison, yours words go right to my heart! I'll continue as long as I can... this project, beside the wonderful people here, makes me discover my city!
May 31st, 2011  
Perfect way to end one 365 album and continue on with more!
June 5th, 2011  
Congratulations on 365! You have been so much fun to follow and I hope you will continue long into the future to share your wonderful city through your creative eyes! You, and your photos, are a real gem.
June 8th, 2011  
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