Diego in our garden by parisouailleurs

Diego in our garden

My back hurts and since a month I can't ride. This is very frustating but our friends came for a short visit. Fresh grass and water for the horses and apple cider for the riders!

more pics on my blog http://aparisouailleurs.canalblog.com/archives/2013/07/17/27664240.html
Hope your back comes right soon. Love this photo too.
July 17th, 2013  
@paula1 thank you very much Paula. You may imagine how I miss riding :(
July 17th, 2013  
I am so sorry your back is sore, I can imagine how frustrating that can be. It is so nice that your friends called, this is a lovely capture.
July 17th, 2013  
Aww, poor you! I hope your back feels better soon!
July 18th, 2013  
I hope you are recovering well Helene - I love your detail portraits of these beautiful elegant creatures - You must be feeling bereft at being unable to experience your full connection with your beauties.
July 18th, 2013  
Sounds like a lovely visit, but sorry to hear about your back! Hope you feel better soon.
July 18th, 2013  
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