A quick shot today no time as I'm mounting monochrome images for the camera clubs print composition, different flowers and vase from last weeks posting.
@quietpurplehaze Thank you Hazel I bought these cheap from Sainsburys the other day for Jenny, she said they are pasted their best so you better take a photograph, so I did lol:)
@louannwarren Interesting observation Lou Ann, the wall is white so I put a black mounting board behind the flowers to show off the detail in the white flowers, don't think I would get away with painting one wall black in the dinning room, lol:)
@stray_shooter Thank you well spotted Ron, in still life you have full control of all the elements, for competitions everything needs to be pin sharp otherwise its down graded, hence my settings were:- exposure 4 sec, f22, iso 80 using my 50 mm prime lens, not that this was done for a competition old habits die hard, lol :)