It's a Beautiful Day by peggysirk

It's a Beautiful Day

Sorry, I'm using another filler photo from last week ~ but at least it's an accurate representation of the gorgeous blue sky we have here today. I've spent most of the day sleeping off the effects of chemo meds and a crummy cold, so I didn't have my camera out. I'll be back in the game tomorrow. :)

Three Good Things:
1. Absolutely spectacular weather in the forecast for the entire week!
2. Mucinex-D...the best decongestant on the market.
3. US Open Men's Final that starts in ten minutes. Let's go Andy Murray! I'll catch up on comments after the match....
Just checked in to say I hope you're shouting loud enough for Andy to hear and found this beautiful shot! Get well soon - good therapy to watch the tennis.
September 10th, 2012  
That is one blue sky!!! Heavenly! The kite's colors look stunning against this. Remember this in February! Have a good rest and feel better!
September 10th, 2012  
Oh I must go & put the tele on I was wondering what time the tennis started!!!!! Thank you! Wonderful colour with the kite flying high in the blue sky. Poor you, do take care Peggy the two things together sounds dire! Thinking of you & be better tomorrow! x
September 10th, 2012  
@judithg @happypat ~ Yea, Andy!! I know the UK is proud!! :)
September 11th, 2012  
The cloud reminds me of my childhood. It is beautiful against that sky. Thanks for keeping us up on your treatment. My prayers are still coming your way.
Hang in there my friend.
September 11th, 2012  
I sat up until 2.30 am watching the tennis & was so relieved when he finally made it, but what match one of the best I have ever seen!! Such long rallies & exhaustion at the end.
September 11th, 2012  
@happypat Wasn't that an incredible match?!!! I was exhausted when it was over! Well done, Andy Murray!!
September 11th, 2012  
@happypat @peggysirk well done Pat - more stamina than me! What an achievement but he does put us through the ringer!! Well done Peggy - he obviously heard the encouragement!
September 11th, 2012  
Sounds like you have a positive attitude and spirit! Just what you need to beat down a head cold and hopefully the ugly 'c' word. Love the vibrant colours of your kite!
September 11th, 2012  
@ladydi53 Thanks so much for the lovely comments, Diana. Thankfully it's not cancer being treated, rather an auto immune disorder. And it's a relatively low dose once a week ~ just enough to make me feel a little tired and yucky for a day.
September 11th, 2012  
@peggysirk Oh so glad to hear that! Not that you feel yucky but that it is not cancer! Most my medication makes me feel yucky too...I just hate medication!
September 12th, 2012  
I love this beautiful shot! I've not managed a decent kite shot yet although I've tried. Have we been hanging around this site too long when I read your narrative about chemo and thought "Oh, this must be Monday's photo" and sure enough it was? It's funny how we all know bits and pieces of each others lives through this project. Of course, I'm the kind of person that somehow mentally catalogs all of these bits and pieces for reasons unbeknownst to me!
September 12th, 2012  
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