Reverse Obstacle Course by peggysirk

Reverse Obstacle Course

I went to pick up our income tax forms from our accountant this afternoon. When leaving her neighborhood there was an evenly spaced line of red Solo cups crossing the street. I slowed down to consider my options. This cute kid standing in his driveway told me it was a reverse obstacle course and asked me if I'd like to play. He said they'd move them if I didn't want to. The goal was to squash the cups rather than avoid the cups while going in a straight line. Heck yeah, I'll play. I got two points!
Three Good Things:
1. Kid stuff
2. Income taxes filed for another year
3. A hair stylist who is fun to talk to
Well that’s a very different were very obliging Peggy, no wonder he was smiling! How hot is it in NC at the moment...the kids have no tops in....
April 14th, 2021  
@happypat It was 82F/28C today. Rain tonight and about 10 degrees cooler tomorrow.
April 14th, 2021  
You got two in one go? Well done!
April 14th, 2021  
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