Helping Hands by peggysirk

Helping Hands

Amir saw me struggling to mash potatoes, quietly walked over to ask if he could assist, and had three tubs of potatoes whipped up to perfection in no time...I think it was his size advantage. ☺
Three Good Things:
1. Working with people who are all about helping others
2. Amir's creamy potatoes made an excellent topping to our Shepherd's Pie casseroles
3. A little rabbit was looking in my kitchen door while I was making dinner a while ago. It hopped off before I could grab my camera. It was so cute!
I don’t miss kitchen work, but I do miss the camaraderie! Fun times!
April 20th, 2021  
Many strong hands make light work Peggy.....the height & strength of Amir would make it easier for him.
April 20th, 2021  
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