A Happy Caller by peggysirk

A Happy Caller

Will face timed me this morning to tell me all about the University of Tennessee v South Carolina basketball game he went to yesterday. And to show me his prized score... He got the very cool game towel wrapped around his neck from star UT player #13 Olivier Nkamhoua. I asked him if it had been washed. Will said, "No way, Gram. If you wash it, it will just be a regular towel". I guess he has a point. You don't want to wash the magic out. 🙂
Three Good Things:
1. Grandkids
2. Productive days
3. The final boxes of Christmas decorations are back up in the attic
Great picture and story! (I'm not sure I would as excited about a "used" towel :- 0)
January 10th, 2023  
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