@jsw0109 for get pushed said "I think what I'd like to see you do is think of something you pass, use, or interact with on a regular basis that you would never think to photograph and find a way to photograph it in a way that is interesting and/or beautiful."
I walk past this bench on my early morning walk. It is usually empty: perhaps a cliche.
Nice one. All the strong diagonal lines are parallel, except the breakwater, and the only horizontal line is the horizon which, at the top, doesn't interfere with any of the others. Beautifully composed.
Amazing how much one learns through comment....me that is!! Just accepting a lovely photo and then I get to appreciate the reason why!! Love this, beautiful!
@rockinrobyn Hah. Just finished helping Melody clean up the horses paddock where they are agisted as she was on night shift. This means picking up horse manure, cleaning out the shed, checking their water, etc. now a quiet moment on 365 before heading off to get some film developed. Comforting, but hard yakka!
I think this is lovely - and what a view. I can't imagine passing it without sitting down to admire the view - but then it's not something I see everyday. Is there a challenge you can't do?! :)