Looks almost HDR with those tones. Is this a color negative film? I tried shopping for some Fuji. All I found locally was Velvia 100 (not interested in the trouble/cost for developing) and Provia 400. Once the colors are prettier here, I will shoot that roll.
so what happens with colour developing, can you push it? Can you mess with ISO and times, what happens if you stand develop for a long time, does the colour ever get more intense? Or can you make the colour less intense?
@chewyteeth yes you can do that by increasing/decreasing time as I recall. The instructions are the usual bare minimum but more can be found on net. Chemicals can be reused but over time developing times should be increased slightly. This was film developed in second round with chemicals rewarmed in bath. I guess you could stand develop but you would need dilution to be spot on.