At Oxbow Bend by peterdegraaff

At Oxbow Bend

...Grand Tetons NP.

For the past week have been pretty much stuck on couch, making my way through TV series I hadn't watched. Today is first time I have ventured onto the computer for a few minutes to grab some photos to post. Hopefully will get back to taking photos soon.

Taken with Toyo 45CF & Nikkor-W 180mm with Tiffen Y12 filter on Aerochrome using 6x9 film holder and developed in Tetanal.

Well this is a glorious shot. Love the processing. Hope you are doing well, Peter. Fav!
July 31st, 2013  
Well, this is a fave! Awesome! Hope you're doing better! :)
July 31st, 2013  
Ooh! This was at the top of my feed. Gorgeous and special to me because I will be standing there in two days!!!

Hope you are feeling well...
July 31st, 2013  
Impeccable shot; it's so vibrant and colorful.
July 31st, 2013  
July 31st, 2013  
@cmc1200 enjoy. Best early morning I suspect but think I like a Snake River Bend best. I wish I was there right now.
July 31st, 2013  
I hope you feel better soon
July 31st, 2013  
Wow! Stunning shot!!
July 31st, 2013  
The processing makes it look so different- or I guess the combination of the film and the development. Makes you look twice. Hope you're not too out of sorts to be stuck on the couch- so nice you have wonderful archive to draw from. Get well soon!
July 31st, 2013  
@peterdegraaff Early morning would be beautiful. Maybe in ten years when I'm running the show again, and not moving at the pace of the little ones. The needs of the family is one thing that got in the way of my project after I completed that first year. It was just too hard to keep up with it all.
July 31st, 2013  
@cmc1200 I was thinking how far it was to get to Grand Tetons, then realized that was for me, but from where you live it is just a long days drive. Let them sleep and nip out early around dawn when there is no wind on water. I know how hard it can be
July 31st, 2013  
The mountains look like volcanos but I don't know if the Tetons were. This is very blue!
July 31st, 2013  
Gorgeous scene and interesting processing to make it so blue. I hope you're up and about soon!
July 31st, 2013  
Fabulous shot Peter. Feel well soon
July 31st, 2013  
Stunning details right through to the most distant of mountain peeks.
July 31st, 2013  
such an icy feel
July 31st, 2013  
July 31st, 2013  
How beautiful with all that vibrant color!
July 31st, 2013  
A unique view of Oxbow Bend. I truly love this place and have been there in all seasons.
July 31st, 2013  
Beautiful scenery,nicely processed!!
July 31st, 2013  
Wonderful scenery
July 31st, 2013  
Absolutely stunning. I'm glad you are doing better and are on the mend.
July 31st, 2013  
Great processing and wonderful scenery......hope you are feeling better...
July 31st, 2013  
this is really wonderful, Fav
July 31st, 2013  
Excellent-hope u'll feel better !
August 1st, 2013  
Wow! That's beautiful. I love the Teton's!
August 1st, 2013  
like some sort of magical alien landscape! really glorious... i do hope you are well on the mend by now... feel lots better soon!
August 1st, 2013  
Wow! Amazing view!
August 1st, 2013  
Absolutely gorgeous.
August 1st, 2013  
Glorious. Hope you're feeling hunky-dory again :)
August 1st, 2013  
Just amazing! Hope your feeling better soon!
August 2nd, 2013  
Getting this on the PP should cheer you a bit! congratulation!
August 2nd, 2013  
@grammyn it has
August 2nd, 2013  
I love the colors in this photo, it looks magical.
August 2nd, 2013  
I'm trying to catch up now I'm home from uni and really only have time to comment on one photo from each of you so this is the one of yours I like the best from the ones I have missed. I love the colours and detail in this xx
August 2nd, 2013  
The blues are wonderful. Nice sharp mountains.
August 2nd, 2013  
amazing colours, looks other-worldly
August 2nd, 2013  
No WAY!!! Instafrikkenfave~!!! This is glorious, P!
August 3rd, 2013  
August 4th, 2013  
wonderful! superb colors and view! fav!
August 4th, 2013  
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