Dessert pics two days in a row! Today was something of a day and the weather has been very dark and rainy (and freezing rainy), so I needed an at-home photo again.
I'm feeling very Canadian with these dessert photos-- so far I've used something from M&M Fresh Market, something from the President's Choice brand, and now Tim Hortons!
Tim Hortons used to do Smile Cookies (chocolate chip cookies with pink icing smiles and blue icing eyes) one week each September as a fundraiser for their children's charity. This year they did them in May instead, and brought out "Holiday Smile Cookies" in November, with the money split between the same children's charity and local food banks. They were supposed to be white chocolate sugar cookies with red and green sprinkles baked into them and white icing faces... But when we bought them they were just regular chocolate chip cookies with faces done in white. Oh well, it's for a good cause!
Plus. They look delicious!!