• September 2020

1st Sep 2020 - Swamp Wallaby
2nd Sep 2020 - I declare the channel "open"!!
3rd Sep 2020 - Push the moon
4th Sep 2020 - Dolphins
5th Sep 2020 - Blue hour on the beach
6th Sep 2020 - Aerial view of the channel opening
7th Sep 2020 - post fire silhouette
8th Sep 2020 - Lyrebird
9th Sep 2020 - Wave abstract
10th Sep 2020 - Snow Gum
11th Sep 2020 - Snow garden
12th Sep 2020 - Bingie Pt
13th Sep 2020 - A day in the country
14th Sep 2020 - more snow shadows
15th Sep 2020 - Bingie Pt 2
16th Sep 2020 - A quieter image
17th Sep 2020 - Morning time at Fairyland Central
18th Sep 2020 - Bingie Pt 3
19th Sep 2020 - Farm treasure
20th Sep 2020 - Bushwalking
21st Sep 2020 - bush pano
22nd Sep 2020 - Top of the World
23rd Sep 2020 - Bushland scene
24th Sep 2020 - Through the eye of the needle
25th Sep 2020 - Wait a minute Mr. Postman
26th Sep 2020 - Canola time
27th Sep 2020 - Letter box again
28th Sep 2020 - Silo
29th Sep 2020 - Salvation Jane
30th Sep 2020 - 3rd and final country mail box - for now