Ghostly Debarking Station in Fog by radiogirl

Ghostly Debarking Station in Fog

This building was used to strip the bark off the logs before sending them down the river.
Taken while canoeing this morning at 1 degree Celsius around 33 Fahrenheit!

Thanks for stopping by your comments and fav's are always appreciated!
Ruins + reflections + fog = fav:)
September 30th, 2017  
Love this atmospheric shot...great composition, reflections
September 30th, 2017  
Ooh, thats cold to be canoeing down the waterways! The ruin still looks strong.
September 30th, 2017  
Great composition and reflections. Fav
September 30th, 2017  
Wonderful capture! Had to be an invigorating canoe ride!
September 30th, 2017  
Love the reflections and the mist.
October 1st, 2017  
beautiful misty capture ...sounds a little chilly out there!
October 1st, 2017  
Beautiful reflection shot
October 1st, 2017  
Great capture and reflections. It even looks that chilly. Fav
October 1st, 2017  
Beautiful misty scene, it looks quite magical.
October 1st, 2017  
Beautifully atmospheric. It does look cold!
October 1st, 2017  
Looks cold and ghostly
October 1st, 2017  
Beautifully atmospheric, love the reflections :)
October 1st, 2017  
That would be very cool canoeing!
October 1st, 2017  
Love the mysterious atmosphere. I hope you are warmly dressed what with being out on the water at such a low temperature.
October 1st, 2017  
Wonderful foggy morning!
October 1st, 2017  
Intriguing atmosphere. But 33 Fahrenheit??? No way!!!!!
October 1st, 2017  
Wonderful capture.
October 1st, 2017  
Terrific find!
October 1st, 2017  
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