Still some Snow in the bush! by radiogirl

Still some Snow in the bush!

Taken on my walk this afternoon, it’s warming up this weekend so hopefully no more snow!

Thank you for your many comments and faves, always appreciated!
Wonderful processing on this. I love all the textures.
April 22nd, 2020  
This is incredible. It does make such a lovely image though.
April 22nd, 2020  
Pretty shot but it's time for the snow to go away. LOL
April 22nd, 2020  
Makes me want to go for a hike!
April 22nd, 2020  
This looks so pretty - love the processing and how you worked those rocks.
April 22nd, 2020  
Love it - great editing !
April 22nd, 2020  
Very pretty the way you have composed and edited the scene!
April 22nd, 2020  
What a great snowy capture
April 22nd, 2020  
Lovely snowy scene.
April 22nd, 2020  
April 22nd, 2020  
Pretty tones throughout! Bet you want it all to melt.
April 23rd, 2020  
Love the shadows and processing
April 23rd, 2020  
Wonderful. Super processing.
April 23rd, 2020  
Nice precessing!
April 23rd, 2020  
nicely done :) surely it will stop!
April 23rd, 2020  
Looks like it is melting
April 23rd, 2020  
Great shot
April 23rd, 2020  
This is lovely. almost like a painting.
April 23rd, 2020  
looks like a Group of 7 painting :) FAV
April 23rd, 2020  
Lovely scene and style
April 23rd, 2020  
It looks like a lot of snow to me- but I do hope it melts for you. Nice shot and post processing.
April 23rd, 2020  
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