i love fog - St. Johns Bridge - Portland, OR USA by reba

i love fog - St. Johns Bridge - Portland, OR USA

I am SO touched; thought maybe I'd never have a photo on the PP - thank you so much to everyone who looked, commented and/or faved - for making this happen for me. Now I can die happy - LOL.
A beautiful capture. Very atmospheric.
September 28th, 2011  
Fabulous Reba! This one is now in my top 10 favorites.
September 28th, 2011  
September 28th, 2011  
Beautiful scene and photo! Love the bridge
September 28th, 2011  
Love the fog and colors! I've been meaning to photograph every bridge. So far, none of my photos are as good as this!
September 28th, 2011  
this is gorgeous! the colors of the bridge and the fog are just beautiful.
September 28th, 2011  
What gorgeous atmosphere & a beautiful bridge! All that and a wonderful foreground, you got an amazing photo!
September 28th, 2011  
Gorgeous! I love bridges that disappear into the mist!
September 28th, 2011  
beautiful shot! the fog enhances it for sure =)
September 29th, 2011  
Extra cool with the fog!!
September 29th, 2011  
the angle - oh just forget it - i love this - a fav for me
September 29th, 2011  
oooh, just the right photo to look at now because the heat here is CLOYING!
September 29th, 2011  
great POV and love the foggy feel - superb shot
September 29th, 2011  
Wow! Super composition - and very atmospheric!
September 29th, 2011  
Oh nice! Really well done... the framing is perfect!
September 29th, 2011  
this is just fantastic
September 30th, 2011  
Fantastic shot! Fav!
September 30th, 2011  
Reba, OMG check out my 8/31 and Previous images, you may recognize some of the "scenery'... Alberta St, Hawthorne............
This is a wonderful shot... maybe I will catch some fog over Thanksgiving when I return. But it will be tight, as we are going to Bend for the holiday.
September 30th, 2011  
Great shot!
September 30th, 2011  
I love fog too and this is just absolutely gorgeous! Great shot!
September 30th, 2011  
Beautiful looming out of the fog shot.
September 30th, 2011  
I've always loved that bridge--awesome shot of it!!
September 30th, 2011  
All of the above. Congratulations Reba
September 30th, 2011  
Ooh! Great shot- fog and all! Love the POV!!
September 30th, 2011  
awesome pic!
September 30th, 2011  
Awesome! Fog makes such interesting photos! Well done!
September 30th, 2011  
nicely done... i love the color of the bridge...
September 30th, 2011  
Spotted on popular page! Brilliant photo - love the fog! FAV!
September 30th, 2011  
wow, love this! Amazing fog & bridge
September 30th, 2011  
What a fabulous bridge, yes I to love fog, it can make the same shot look so different. fav
September 30th, 2011  
This is beautiful. Love the fog.
October 1st, 2011  
Wonderful image, I have never seen this bridge on my visits to Portland, I will have to keep my eyes open next time I am there!
October 1st, 2011  
beautiful, great perspective
October 1st, 2011  
@shantwin It's the farthest to the north of the city's bridges. The lovely color is a fairly recent change. Underneath is a part - named "Cathedral" for the arches of the bridge. It really is such a beautiful bridge - hope you do get to visit it some day.
October 1st, 2011  
Saw your photo on the POP page - it's just beautiful - a definite fav!
October 1st, 2011  
Cool shot, love the PoV and the fog just adds another level, well done on PP
October 1st, 2011  
Omg! This is amazing. Fav for sure
October 2nd, 2011  
I just saw this on FAV page. It's stunning . .have been over that bridge when we lived out in WA and visited OR. I love fog too and the colors are absolutely beautiful here. It's a FAV for me!!
October 2nd, 2011  
Spectacular capture. I can see why you picked it as one of your significant shots. A fav.
December 2nd, 2011  
Great Photo of the St, Johns. Happy New Year from one Oregonian to another!
January 2nd, 2012  
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