Didn't do much today, just lying around watching Mighty Boosh re-runs and napping on the sofa in between taking and collecting the kids from school. Felt like a day off, which I suppose it was!
On my way to pick the kids up I saw this sky, plane trail and church combo and thought it might do for today's picture. This is Headingley Methodist Church, just up the road from St Urbans ( http://365project.org/rich57/3rd-album/2010-11-01)
Richard! The line from the plane, in contrast to the church and its steeples is awesome! The clouds, and the sky make a nice back drop too! What a great find!!!!
@azza_l Cool, just cropped the bottom a little on Picnik. Thanks for the hint. Was editing and uploading whilst cooking for four kids and hadn't looked closely at it!
Wow you've done really well with this one. Really eyecatching and the contrasts not only with light and colour but the plane trail and the church....brilliant! I love reading other people's comments...who the heck are Mighty Boosh?? LOL that made me laugh! :-)
Love the silhouette against blues, I would cropped the bottom a little. There's a lot of black at the bottom, just saying :-)
Lovely photo and a very pretty sunset
Great shot, wonderful! Sounds like an ace day too :-)