Year 2 Day 366 by rich57

Year 2 Day 366

Wow, finally made it through the whole year with no fillers in my main album! Decided to do something different and picked 12 shots to represent the year, including one taken today of course! Thanks to everybody who was ever viewed, commented or faved my stuff. I've never been one for the big group thank you but it's been greatly appreciated. 365 has become a massive part of my daily life and I'm really grateful to have made new friends (both virtual and real) through the site. As for Year 3, well I'm not going to worry about a daily 365 shot for the time being and am feeling like concentrating on a spell of viewing/commenting as I've been less active than I'd like in those departments recently. That said I've got a couple of London trips coming up so no doubt I'll have the camera/phone in tow and head to the bench at least!

wow - so well done Richard, congrats
March 19th, 2012  
Aaw brilliant, congratulations on that! Utterly fabulous!
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats for completing the second year! I'm glad you will stay here. Great collage.
March 19th, 2012  
Nice one Rich and great collage.
March 19th, 2012  
Great collage. Congrats!
March 19th, 2012  
well done rich! i think you should publish a book now! Seriously. A great collage of pics. Is the top middle from today? 365 as deity status!
March 19th, 2012  
well done Rich....sorry to hear you won't be posting as much...hope you change your mind (the addiction may take over!) I've really enjoyed your photography
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats on making it to 366!!! Well done!
March 19th, 2012  
Well done Mr. Tyson! It's always fun looking at your shots and reading your captions. Keep up the good work!

(Expected the bench in the middle, found a creepy bloke instead :-)
March 19th, 2012  
@rach57 haha yeah, subtle bit of editing....not!
March 19th, 2012  
Ooops. Pardon the rudeness. Always a risk of being banned from the site...
March 19th, 2012  
Congratulations...i have only been following you for a short time but have enjoyed your work very much :D
March 19th, 2012  
Fantastic Rich! Well done for posting everyday, very impressive! I have really enjoyed 'knowing' you and seeing London especially through your eyes. Some of my favourites are in this collage so it must be a fave. Glad you'll be posting from time to time.....must say the post every day has completely gone out the window for me! :-)
March 19th, 2012  
top notch rave gear mate
wouldn't it be great to complete a 2nd year with no fillers..
superb project, class.
March 19th, 2012  
@sleepdozer57 Busy then Zipp?
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats on year 2! Have really enjoyed your shots!
March 19th, 2012  
Well done, I've enjoyed your shots and there are a couple of my favourites up there.
March 19th, 2012  
well done!!!! majorly impressed you done 2 years and considering posting in a third.
March 19th, 2012  
Congratulations! TWO years, wow, just fantastic, and the collage is great!
March 19th, 2012  
Congratulations, I am very impressed with the No Filler comment, I try really hard but sometimes obviously not hard enough! Love the collage too.
March 19th, 2012  
OK - so now I'll say huge congratulations again!! Such a brilliant job... Glad you're keeping going for another year. You're the first person I didn't already know that I followed so your photos have been jumping out from the screen right from the start. Enjoy the relaxed version and a few beers and one day I'll make it to a meet up and you can all make me feel very short!!
March 19th, 2012  
Fantastic collage Rich! Great representation for the year... The spell will do you good, & always proves just how much we miss this community once we've been away from it for a time...
Great work.
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats! You are really dedicated to this project. Great homage to the last year project.
March 19th, 2012  
Wow, 2 whole years!!! Huge congrats Rich!! Long live the HipstaKing!
March 19th, 2012  
well done, you have a distinct style which is very enjoyable to follow.
March 19th, 2012  
Great choice of pictures - I love every single one of them. Can't wait to see you again in year 3 :)!
March 19th, 2012  
Cool man, well done, what made you pick these, are these some of your favs? Just wondered. Would of been a tough choice out of your selection.
March 19th, 2012  
@azza_l Yeah, wanted one of the kids, one of me, one of the bench, one from today. Knew I'd include the pigeon/woman shot and poss the guy in the rain but rest was up for grabs. But a bus and a phone box and a couple of hipsta shots seemed to be a good representation of the last 12 months!
March 19th, 2012  
Big congrats again mate and cracking montage here... remember most of these pics and all good'uns...

And make sure you have your chargers with ya on Thurs....
March 19th, 2012  
@andycoleborn bloody hell, so much for taking it easy in Year 3!
March 19th, 2012  
@rich57 Nice, can't disagree with Andy would of been tough choice for nay of these. What was today's ?
March 19th, 2012  
@azza_l Top middle, the edited church sign!
March 19th, 2012  
@rich57 I actually though id seen that before to be honest, it was either that or the phone boxes
March 19th, 2012  
I like the way you chose to put your collage together. Congrats!
March 19th, 2012  
@anndee thanks, I used a fantastic iphone app called Fuzel
March 19th, 2012  
Yes someday I must get one of those, just for the camera!
March 19th, 2012  
BRAVO! congratulations! 2 years, wow! great job Rich. love your collage too and i'm so happy to know you'll continue.
March 19th, 2012  
Congratulations!! What a stunning selection of photos as well, you obviously have such an amazing talent. Well done!
March 19th, 2012  
Well done! looking forward to the London shots :)
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats, I'm happy with coming to 2 months nevermind 2 years! Great collage too
March 19th, 2012  
Well done - awesome stuff - love the collage.
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats on completing year 2! Love your collage and lookingforward to more pics from you, love your style
March 19th, 2012  
Congratulations Richard. Love your work and your undeniably great street photography. Your collage really does represent your great body of work. Well done and fav.
March 19th, 2012  
Great shots over the past 2 years Rich, keep it up. Oh, a late Happy Birthday too!
March 19th, 2012  
Great collage...are you going to keep on with another project? Hope so, I enjoy your photography.
March 19th, 2012  
@karlo57 me? ha..iphone mate, lil' ibreak
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats! A job very well done!
March 19th, 2012  
congrats! fabulous collage!
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats on year 2! Looking forward to more pictures! :)
March 19th, 2012  
Well done Rich. I still log on now and again to see what everyone's doing and you consistently take really interesting and unique photos, and have your own style which is really great. Here's to seeing more in year 3! :-)
March 19th, 2012  
Great collage.
March 19th, 2012  
Well done! Hope to keep seeing the photos coming
March 19th, 2012  
congratulations on the second 365, great collection showing what an amazingly talented photographer you are
March 19th, 2012  
You are one of the first people I followed (in January) Your street photography continues to inspire me and you have been instrumental in my looking at the world in a different way. Thanks Richard!
March 19th, 2012  
wow congrats!! definitely going for the no filler thing too! it having an iphone definitely helps in that department, i hope i make it too! Congrats again! but sad I won't get to see your daily street photos! your rainy day reflections really inspire me!
March 19th, 2012  
Congratulations! Great shots and especially love the 365 sentiments!
March 19th, 2012  
Congrats. A wonderful collection of images that you gathered over the year.
March 19th, 2012  
March 19th, 2012  
That's a real accomplishment. Well done.
March 19th, 2012  
I can't believe you've finished another year - it comes round so quickly! Well done - they're all corkers - you've picked some of your best for this great montage - old pigeon toes and the whizzy bus lights ... brill.
March 19th, 2012  
Fantastic achievement mate, and brilliant collections!!! Fav
March 20th, 2012  
Congrats on the completed year. Congrats on the PP
March 20th, 2012  
March 20th, 2012  
Congratulations. I wanted to do my year with no fillers but harder than I thought - what with life getting in the way and all that. Congrats also on PP. You are good and deserve to be there all the time. Bye.
March 20th, 2012  
I have seen all of those photos and liked many of them. So how come I only recently started following you? LOL Great collage. Wow, you've been here a while....
March 20th, 2012  
Nicely done! Great collage-great photos!
March 20th, 2012  
Congratulations mate! Wow a 2nd year "done and dusted!" You deserve a special medal for that. I love your work and your distinctive style. the pics you choose for the finale are all top notch! Fave for many reasons and look forward to see more.
March 20th, 2012  
WOW! Huge congrats for finishing a 2nd year, I'm having enough trouble on my 1st!!!!
March 20th, 2012  
congratulations. i just went back through your last 366 days, what an epic project!!!
March 20th, 2012  
Congratulations.. brill album
March 20th, 2012  
Awesome - a fav
March 20th, 2012  
i love them all... a fav..x
March 20th, 2012  
Well done Richard and NO fillers (excellent). It's always a pleasure to see your pics and very candid at times. Look forward to seeing your continuation of the project, and I'm sure you won't fail to impress. :-)))
March 20th, 2012  
Congratulations Richard!
March 20th, 2012  
Congratulations! I too obey no filler rule and it's not easy! Well done. Also I love collages and NEED TO KNOW how you did this amazing wonky one - please tell!
March 20th, 2012  
Well done Richard, another great year.
March 20th, 2012  
I love the 12 that you chose... that one of the lady in red with the pigeon in step is one of my favorites. Well done!
March 20th, 2012  
Have really enjoyed looking at your work over the past two and a half
months - inspirational stuff! Will be looking forward to your future postings even if they are less frequent. Congratulations!
March 21st, 2012  
@pictureitbig I did it on my iphone using an app called Fuzel. Can totally recommend it!
March 21st, 2012  
Great collage...congrats on yr 2 completed and on the pp!
March 21st, 2012  
These are amazing, the pigeon and the girl is superb and the carousel. Excellent, an inspiration to the rest of us and a 365 legend.
March 21st, 2012  
Brilliant! Congratulations!
March 21st, 2012  
Congratulations on finishing year two on the pop page! This is such a creative collage. Your photos are spectacular too.
March 21st, 2012  
I really enjoy seeing your work Richard, you seem to have an effortless style that is so cool & a particular affinity with showing us the human being in a passer-by
March 21st, 2012  
Fabulous and congrats, thanks for the inspiration!
March 21st, 2012  
Dude! I cant believe I missed this! You are my hero when it comes to street shots! Your a true master, Richard! Congrats on your completion! I'm glad you'll still be around! Things just wouldn't be the same without you!
March 22nd, 2012  
Vibes - well done!
March 22nd, 2012  
Congratulations on the completion of two years. Fabulous collage.
March 24th, 2012  
Richard!!!! Congratulations! You've had an awesome photographic year. I've seen real strides in you photographs by the courage you show in taking more candid closeups. I've really enjoyed watching your growth. Year 3?!!! AWESOME to be able to say that, isn't it? :-)
March 26th, 2012  
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