Had to nip out on an urgent errand whilst at work. Went to the old stop ( http://365project.org/rich57/3rd-album/2011-01-21) and actually encountered three people there, very unusual! We all jumped on the first bus that came only to discover it was an obscure bus (no. 8) that wasn't going anywhere near where we wanted to be! Luckily for the two red-clad passengers they got off before we left the stop. Not like me and the older lady who only realised our error as their bus turned off down a narrow side-street in the wrong direction. The cheery driver let us off even though there wasn't a stop once we called out in alarm and I watched the earlier couple glide past in comfort on the no.16 as I had to walk up the hill to my destination...
@islawight Hey I'm meeting Andy and Aaron in London on Monday afternoon/evening if you fancy coming along? Not sure what the plan is but Andy has to finish work first...
@rich57 - Nice one - could be up for it - but may need to see how the other half's assignment's doing over the weekend (due Wed and I'm typing it up!) - keep me posted.
Great pic - shame you couldn't get a shot 'after' the action too! They've just messed about with our buses - It's driving me mad - I keep getting phone calls to rescue kids from strange places they've got off.