• September 2024

1st Sep 2024 - Damp evening walk
2nd Sep 2024 - Cousins in the park
3rd Sep 2024 - Out for lunch!
4th Sep 2024 - Monkey Forest
5th Sep 2024 - Out hunting
6th Sep 2024 - In Granny Cake's Garden
7th Sep 2024 - Autumnal feels today
8th Sep 2024 - Seasonal colour
9th Sep 2024 - A view from his afternoon's walk
10th Sep 2024 - A wet walk
11th Sep 2024 - A wet walk at Rudyard Lake
12th Sep 2024 - I name you Mr LeafLot
13th Sep 2024 - Trentham Gardens
14th Sep 2024 - Crane Fly
15th Sep 2024 - Raindrops
16th Sep 2024 - The garden this morning
17th Sep 2024 - on a work recce
18th Sep 2024 - Tis the season