Dinner Might Be Late by rosiekerr

Dinner Might Be Late

I was peeling garlic cloves for dinner, saw symmetrical arrangement and had to stop for an artistic moment. Usually, my garlic isn't so nicely arranged. After their portrait session, they were sacrificed for the good of Nigella Lawson's Lemon Chicken. ;)

Thanks, as always, for taking time to visit, as each is a gift of your time.
The photo I submitted earlier today would have gone well with your Lemon Chicken. Your b&w garlic clove photo is well done.
January 15th, 2016  
Gorgeous. Fav.
January 15th, 2016  
Oh, but they posed nicely for their portrait!
January 15th, 2016  
Good eye.
January 15th, 2016  
Fabulous light, focus and textures!
January 15th, 2016  
Congrats on Photo 1000 !!!
January 15th, 2016  
LOL Awesome.
January 15th, 2016  
@jyokota Oh, my gosh... I didn't even notice. :/ Thanks!
January 15th, 2016  
Fabulous B&W and worth dinner being late.
January 15th, 2016  
You made this garlic looks so classy :)
January 15th, 2016  
Great eye and resulting photo!
January 15th, 2016  
Isn't it wonderful to see the beauty in the everyday? Great capture
January 15th, 2016  
superb shot and processing
January 15th, 2016  
Well worth it! That's a great shot! You should print it and hang it in your kitchen!
January 15th, 2016  
Wonderful crop and lighting
January 15th, 2016  
It is a work of art!
January 15th, 2016  
Fabulous shot and a worthwhile sacrifice for a Nigella dish!
January 15th, 2016  
What a neat image and so nice in b&w.
January 15th, 2016  
Laughed (to myself - everyone is sleeping!) while reading your commentary...it's quite an arty bulb! Well processed using b&w -- I think it adds to the artistic look.
January 15th, 2016  
Very elegant capture and treatment.
January 15th, 2016  
A yummy image, I can almost smell it!
January 15th, 2016  
January 15th, 2016  
Dinner sounds delicious but this is a great B&W shot artistic shot
January 15th, 2016  
Great image.
January 15th, 2016  
hope you got dinner eventually! nice in B&W
January 15th, 2016  
very cool, love the b&w choice
January 15th, 2016  
Great shot, textures
January 15th, 2016  
January 15th, 2016  
Sounds like it was sacrificed for the good of all. Wonderful lines, well done!
January 15th, 2016  
So fun that you stopped dinner prep for a photo - a great one at that. The lemon chicken sounds wonderful. We often take photos of our meals and send to my mom or Jan's sister. They do the same. :)
January 15th, 2016  
Quite a image, the lighting it fantastic
January 15th, 2016  
Great close up capture
January 15th, 2016  
This is really effective Rosie, great perspective.
January 15th, 2016  
Well spotted. Nicely done in B&W.
January 15th, 2016  
Nice pov, comp and lighting. Lemon chicken sounds wonderful.
January 16th, 2016  
Very glad you risked a late meal to share this with us. Lovely in b&w
January 16th, 2016  
Great in b&w!
January 20th, 2016  
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