Spotted in the Smithsonian Museum. This is a statute of Amitabha Buddha, who practiced a "pure land" form of buddhism. Apparently, meant for the common person, to help them achieve paradise reliably. This statute dates from 1450-1500, Tibet. In real life, he is a bright shiny gold. Adjusted, for Flash of Red month.
I enjoyed how he appears to be floating in space. It might be better on black, if you are so inclined.
10/1/2020: Finished year 7 (!), with continuing gratitude towards this amazing community. Based in St. Louis, MO. Regular worker-bee and self-taught photography dilettante....
definitely dramatic on black! I like how the head has a bronzed color yet the rest is in shades of gray. Did you do some kind of special treatment in processing?
@jyokota A belated "yes." Photoshop magic. After making it a black/white image in PS, I added a layer for a gradient. You can choose the shape for that gradient - I chose a diamond shape with a yellow highlight feature. Cursor on the center of the forehead and drag outward to the shoulders. Luminance. :)