Bas was very sociable yesterday and straight away flew onto my youngest grandson Dylan's shoulder. He usually is sociable but sometimes finds Dylan a bit too much but Dylan was on his best behaviour and so Bas stuck around him. Dylan of course was really pleased as he always asks about Bas every time I see him which is usually at his house.
@dulciknit Yes I was pleased with it and Dylan was telling Bas that he really love him. Children come out with the sweetest statements that are so innocent. It's a pity they have to grow up
Maybe frame that for Dylan. My dogs are very leery of all the little boys. Too much motion I imagine.
@quietpurplehaze Dylan was telling Bas that he really loves him - it was so sweet!
@joanf @jenrobcarr @busylady @carolmw @bobbyj @sailingmusic Dylan was telling Bas that he really loves him - so sweet