I'm sorry that it's another filler but after work, I went to the Drs with Steve as he was going to hear the results of his latest osteoporosis scan which is not good. He has been referred back to the Rheumatologist because he will probably land up having infusions because he has had as much oral medication that you can take.
I have also heard back from the hospital as they phoned me today to say that I can go in tomorrow for another injection into my foot via ultrasound so although I'm not looking forward to it, I am hoping that it will take away the pain. I have got a terrible stiff neck at the moment which I've had for a couple of days meaning that bending down, etc. is awful so doing the fire tonight was not very pleasant. What a load of crocks we are!
Thanks for getting yesterday's greenfinch on PP. I will try to catch up when things settle down
Oh dear Rosie it all comes T once! I have a stiff neck too.....it's a nightmare holding your head up like that & even not good to get comfy in bed..difficult to lift your head to turn over! Beautiful dunnock, a bird i never see!
Hope you and Steve are on the mend soon, this growiing older malarky is not much fun!