The doves seem to be regulars on the feeders at the moment but they are very nervous with humans. However, I saw one chase off a pigeon who was much bigger the other day so they are obviously not frightened of their fellow birds!
The weather is a bit showery today but I did walk to the Post Office to post a couple of letters while the sun was shining. I had pages of stuff from the company who are going to hire me a car next week while mine is in for repair. I had to send off a letter of mitigation to them. I read the first couple of pages including what it said on the mitigation but couldn't be bothered with all the rest. All this trouble because someone decided to drive straight into my car! Grrrrr Next Tuesday mine goes in for repair and I am hoping the delivery of the hire car will be about the same time as I hate being without a car.
Thanks for getting yesterday's goldfinches on PP and for all your lovely comments and Favs