Got him by rosiekind

Got him

Whenever I have walked along Wood lane up to Hilltop Farm this year, I have not seen a stonechat but today was the day I got lucky! I was so pleased to see him as it's been such a long time since the farmer cut most of the hedgerows down.

Thanks for all your kind comments and Favs - it is always much appreciated.
Beautiful - I have never seen one. Great capture!! Fav!
October 25th, 2017  
A first for me too, fabulous capture.
October 25th, 2017  
beautiful image Rosie.
October 25th, 2017  
The light on him is just beautiful - does bother me (and obviously the birds) when they do all that cutting down - takes so long for the wildlife to return. This is a terrific shot of a really sweet bird.
October 25th, 2017  
Well done to get this picture it is stunning a fav
October 25th, 2017  
The bird looks so relaxed. Nice sharp capture. Like the way the feet grip around the growth.
November 1st, 2017  
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