I was suprised to see Betsey by rosiekind

I was suprised to see Betsey

It has been really cold today and I wondered whether to go down the brook but thought it might be warmer this afternoon. Wrong! It didn't feel any warmer but I wrapped up and went down there anyway.

I waited a whole hour but no sign of any kingfishers so I decided to pack up my gear. As I was doing this, who should arrive, but a kingfisher! Sods Law! Out came the gear again and I waited only to see Bluey on the far stick and I was focussed on the nearest one. He stood admiring himself for ages but I daren't move so when he flew off again, I focussed on the far stick. What happened next, you may ask! Of course he perched on the nearest stick. These kingfishers are awkward little buggers! After he flew off from there, I refocussed on the near stick and waited patiently to get a few shots and this is the one I like best. Unbeknown to me, it was Betsey who was flying about so I am a bit puzzled as I decided that the youngsters have fledged but as she didn't go into the nest, I am still thinking that they probably fledged on Thursday which would be about right as there was no sign of them. Happy days!

Such a pretty bird!
September 24th, 2018  
A beautiful capture, worth the wait. Fav!! 😀
September 24th, 2018  
Well worth it Rosie! Fav!
September 24th, 2018  
Wow this is beautiful!
September 24th, 2018  
Super shot and nicely framed.
September 24th, 2018  
Lovely capture and processing Rosie:)
September 24th, 2018  
Well captured. I see them from time t time, but I've never been quick enough to photograph one. Fav
September 24th, 2018  
Fantastic capture, composition
September 24th, 2018  
Nice shot
September 24th, 2018  
The near stick means a closer up view of her. Your patience brings great rewards.
September 24th, 2018  
Great capture.
September 25th, 2018  
Fabulous capture.
September 27th, 2018  
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