She has found that this feeder lets her stand on the bottom to reach the bird food. Betsey has little ones to feed in the nest in the ivy on the front of our house. She also knows that if the bird "Cafe" is open she can get suet pellets put on the lawn especially for her. The birds give me so much pleasure and it's lovely to be able to help them. Yesterday I made a trip to Wilco's to buy some more blackbird food and suet balls and blocks. Well it was essential as I had completely used up the blackbird food and these lovely birds need to be fed.
We have had a busy morning sorting out the garden shed. It's amazing how wonderfully tidy it all looks now and we have thrown an awful lot of tat away. It's quite cathartic.
Thanks for all your kind comments and Favs. It is always much appreciated.
Hmm. A dedicated shopping trip for bird food hardly constitutes essential travel. Good job the police didn't catch or you'd be £60 the poorer! Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives.
Lovely capture. If Wilco is open presumably the Government accepts that you can shop there!! My birds are equally important, fortunately I bought in bulk some weeks ago and, at present, I have supplies left but if the Lockdown extends much further I shall have to buy supermarket bird food - ouch!!
Such a well-timed click to get the food in her bill but "held" -- to feed the babies. What is in the feeder? I'm just starting to think about buying bird food.
@rosiekind You did say "Yesterday I made a trip to Wilco's to buy some more blackbird food and suet balls and blocks. Well it was essential.....". Anyone else reading this might think otherwise. These are dangerous times and one shouldn't give the wrong impression.
@aaronhall Sorry if you thought that but a lot of people I know would have understood that I didn't just go for bird food. My daughter is a nurse working on the Covid ward so I wouldn't want to put her and all her colleagues in any danger