Two Jacks by rosiekind

Two Jacks

These 2 fellows were sitting on the chimney pot on the Old School which is where I am based as it's been converted into offices. They were being quite nosy looking down the chimney. I'm not sure what they thought they would see though!

After I came out from work, the weather went down hill and it poured with rain. We also had hailstones so it wasn't a good day camera wise. I went off to do the Sainsbury's shopping and when I had unloaded it having got soaking wet, I decided to do a bit of baking. I've made an apple pie for pudding and some mince pies with the remainder of the pastry. I'm really enjoying cooking again and this has come about really because they had some cookery programs on over the Christmas period which I enjoyed. I always used to bake a lot when my children were young and in fact I didn't buy a loaf of bread for years as I made it all myself. I've bought the Mary Berry Fast Cakes book after seeing her on Piers Morgan's talk show the other night so I shall have to get cracking. The only thing is I shall have to make sure I keep walking otherwise I shall put on weight!
The two jacks are probably planning the nesting place. They like to do that in chimneys. They are nicely silhouetted against the sky.
January 16th, 2014  
Nicely captured!!
January 16th, 2014  
January 16th, 2014  
Lovely silhouettes
January 16th, 2014  
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