Searching in the snow by rosiekind

Searching in the snow

I know exactly where each of the robin's territory is along Wood Lane and this one lives up by the electric substation. He usually forages about on the right hand side of the lane as I walk up there. Another robin lives on the opposite side and it's funny because I don't tend to hear the robins singing that far up the lane. I was just pleased to get a shot of him with some snow in the picture as we had about 1.5 inches last night but by this afternoon, it had almost gone. It's a shame I didn't have more time to take some shots before I went to work but I will post a shot of a blackbird up to his knees in snow in my Even More album.
What a great shot for your 1,000th photo!
February 3rd, 2015  
I love Robins, nice capture.
February 3rd, 2015  
Awesome image for 1000 - well done!
February 3rd, 2015  
Lovely nature shot Rosie...Fav
February 3rd, 2015  
Beautifully captured in the snowy scene
February 3rd, 2015  
Lovely detail and colours.
February 3rd, 2015  
Nice focus and composition.
February 3rd, 2015  
Another super Robin capture Rosie
February 3rd, 2015  
Lovely shot in his natural habitat !
February 3rd, 2015  
A beautiful capture.
February 3rd, 2015  
His face his rosy too as well as his bib! How very sweet and such a good photo! fav
February 3rd, 2015  
Lovely lighting and focus Rosie. Fav :)
February 3rd, 2015  
I just love your robins, they are so cute and compact! fav
February 3rd, 2015  
@quietpurplehaze Fancy you noticing that it's my 1000th photo in this album. Thanks for pointing it out to me Hazel
February 3rd, 2015  
Such a sweet fellow
February 4th, 2015  
Looks like a great spot to forage. I didn't realize they had territories.
February 4th, 2015  
What a cheery looking little fellow.
February 4th, 2015  
So sweet :)
February 4th, 2015  
Love how he is surveying is domain.
February 4th, 2015  
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