floating dock by rrt

floating dock

Talk about spring river debris. The dock out in the water was being stored near the shoreline a ways up-river. Can't be it was secured very well because as you an see it broke loose and drifted. It bumped along for about a mile before I got this shot. I went back to this spot about four hours later and it wasn't there. I don't know if someone came and got it or if it is still out there someplace. The land that you see on the other side of the dock is Wesley Island. The water just this side of the island is part of the St Lawerence Seaway. If it got into the seaway one of the big ships would have torn it apart.
During the floods in Queensland earlier this year, the floating walkways and docks simply floated off their moorings and were carried away in the flood waters. They had the potential as you say to do lots of damage. Wonder what happened to yours?
April 3rd, 2011  
@ubobohobo more than likely the owners of it hooked on and took it back to whare it belonged
April 3rd, 2011  
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