15 05 2013 by sogniesintomi

15 05 2013

So I was just reading a comment on how lunaski (one I am following) and she explained how you get several differently exposed photos and can take up to 3 photos, but some better/newer cameras can take more. One shot is correctly exposed, one is underexposed and the third one is overexposed. She usually choose 1 or 2 stops for bracketed shots (2 stops means more dynamic end result, but usually more noise too), but there are other options as well.
There are other softwares (Photomatix is one of them), but she uses Nik HDR efex software. Nik is great, you can use it even for a single photo (it's called tone-mapping in that case) - the result is very similar to HDR: enhanced colors and contrasts, although it all depends on the type of shot - sometimes you get a lot of noise and blown out areas and in that case it's better to stick with the original. She apologized for her english. I think you layer as well and you have Nikon, am I getting closer on how well you do these:) Thank you:)
May 16th, 2013  
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