Day 269, Year 2 - Sunrise Over Gleneagles by stevecameras

Day 269, Year 2 - Sunrise Over Gleneagles

Best viewed large, on black if you have time :)

The first upload from my two weeks away working in Scotland on the Ryder Cup and Dunhill Links golf events. As with my trip to the Middle East as the start of the year I was like a kid in a sweet shop everyday in terms of subjects to shoot.

This is taken standing next to the 3rd Green.

I know I shouldn't say this but I am very happy with these. I have come to realise through 365 that I clearly love high colour, and very high contrast shots and although I can sometimes over-crank the processing I do like it in these. I'd like to think that when you search for images of the awesome Gleneagles that they don't look so much like this.

You were at the Ryder lucky chap.....I sat for three days & never hardly moved, so exciting! It did cross my mind once when I saw a BBC cameraman if you were there! Perks of the job & you did have to lug your camera about! Europe knocked spots off the USA. By the way lovely smooth hills & the light is great.
October 15th, 2014  
@happypat I was indeed Pat, and it was one of the best weeks working on the golf so far. I can be almost certain that the cameraman you saw was a colleague of mine. It was a great week for pictures...I took hundreds.

If you're interested my Facebook album of them is here:
October 20th, 2014  
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