This is an image taken in June, in the middle of a peaceful protest and march in honour of those who suffered as a result of the Grenfell Tower disaster in London. I had heard of the march on social media and decided along with having a wander with my camera, I would head to the Home Office to see what was going on. I decided to follow those protesting from their, to Downing Street, up to Trafalgar Square, up the Haymarket and Regent Street to the junction in the middle of Oxford Street where they decided sit down and stop traffic for about 25 minutes. After that it was on to the BBC New Broadcasting House and then finally all the way to the Tower Itself. I think we did about 5.5 miles in the end, all on foot, and all very peacefully. It was quite a thing to be on the side of, as a very low-key participant, seeing how this event has really affected the lives of so many people.
3 good things:
1 - The lovely weather across the city
2 - Being part of the peaceful protest march in London
3 - Getting home after a very long evening