My Get-Pushed challenge this week, courtesy of Amanda, @froggie0628, is a Black & White image. With that goal in mind it was back to the Mission in San Juan Capistrano. Viewed on black helps.
Late edit - based on @summerfield's suggestion, I gave it the f-word tag also, since the current f-word is four - and there are four bells! Not the original intent, but why not?
What I learned in taking this photo: It's really hard to envision the black and white version of a setting that you're viewing in color, but having clouds always is a plus.
Very well done. I know exactly where that is. Nice little court yard on the backside.
I have trouble seeing in b&w too. I find it helps me to change the camera.
love how much detail you have here.. from the coils of rope under each bell to the textures in the walls and sky.. love the composition allowing us to peek through the lovely arch to the garden..
Seeing in black and white takes practice but I think you can do it because this is an excellent black and white! I find that anything textured or with a nice contrast translates very well into black and white. If you want more practice I run a challenge in Feb. on black and white- no voting or competition but I post guide lines for the week and also have an ebook that folks can read along with if they want. It's called Flash of Red (because we do a selective color shot on the 14th) so keep your eyes open for it if you're interested.
This location is such a familiar I never miss when I'm there! You captured it magnificently, and it looks stunning on black! Such a beautiful place!
@tigerdreamer You are absolutely correct Karen - good recollection. I actually should have used a different camera too. I should have used the Fujifilm mirrorless, which has an EVF that shows the B&W version in-camera. And that camera takes great black and white shots.
@stray_shooter ha ha, I didn't actually mean use a different camera. I meant to change my settings, so it shows b&w on the back screen. But your way works too.🙃
@jorlam Thanks for all of the compliments! I would say, aw shucks, but in fact I did spend some amount of time thinking about and trying to compose this particular shot. I guess I'm learning something!
@Weezilou Thanks Louise. I never tire of the mission - and there's always something fun to capture. My membership is paying for itself many times over. ;-)
@stray_shooter Memberships are the best because they encourage you to try to beat the system and get your money's worth! It's also a good reason to get out there for some variety! Nice!
I have trouble seeing in b&w too. I find it helps me to change the camera.