i had to read up a lot to be able to get this shot. now that i'm thinking of getting a more muscled camera, i'm actually getting to know my canon p&s. hah! i was even reading the guide, if you can believe it.
but as much as i want to, i cannot understand this aperture, shutter speed chatter. now, i've screwed up my settings and i don't know how to put them back. and still i don't know anything about shutter speed. i should be whipped with a wet noodle!
please, someone tell me if i got this slow shutter speed thingamajiggs right? but be nice! and seeing that my p&s does have a lot of limitations. aha, that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
Sorry night photography is not one of my accomplishments and I'm rather impressed by your result..as for assistance.. Its always dangerous times for me when i start reading the manual usually its after I've done something i now need to set right .Return to factory settings is usually my answer.
But I like this!