i am used in a projectile for this sport, where two opposing players or two pairs of opposing players score points by striking said projectile with their raquets. i am the material of choice because my unique aerodynamic property causes the projectile to decelerate more rapidly than a ball. recently this sport was much in the news because of players or teams involved in a scandal. what is the sport and what is the projectile called?
the game of badminton? We called it a "birdie" when we played it growing up -- but I think the real name is a "shuttle" -- if we're talking about the same game -- ! NICE shot!
Badminton! (if that's how you spell it...?) I don't know what the other thing is.
@cscecil - yes! thank you, CS.
@olivetreeann - shot at the marina. thank you, ann.
@roth - thank you, sue. if i was playing in the olympics, i'd be a gymnast as i used to train as a gymnast in grade school.
@catsmeowb - thank you, camille. how about you?