here's a creamer that belonged to partner's mother, one of those mingle-mangle oddments that i rescued when the family was emptying her house after it was sold and they moved her to a home.
partner said there's no point in keeping something that does not match anything we had. who cares? his mother kept it obviously because it meant something to her. she kept a lot of stuff that belonged to her late parents, something that she remembered them by. and if they were throwing things anyway, it's garbage, i picked it up so it's mine. and what do i get out of these odds and ends of hers that i kept? you bet you! photo opps!
but really, i should start unloading some of my own hoards of odds and ends.
i'm not happy with this shot and i swear, i will do this again one of these days, because as you know, i just have to do things the right way. if i had a better shot for this odds and ends prompt, this wouldn't be here. but 60 frames and this i think is the best of the lot. so, sorry, will make it up to you next time.
You made magic out of the old creamer and your partner's mother would be happy.
I am trying to go through the generations of things here so that my boys won't have to one of these days.
@cdonohoue - thank you, cathy. my partner's mother stayed in the same house for more than 50 years so there was a lot of stuff which was a monumental task to sort out stuff.
@salza - thank you, sally. i know what you're saying. this and the glass shot from yesterday are still on my bucket list. they're not going to get crossed out until i've done them to almost perfect.
@abhijit - i used my 18-55mm but i'm not sure if my aperture is correct. will play with it some more in the coming days. i'm really thankful for your tips and advice. don't get tired, please. thank you, ab.
I am trying to go through the generations of things here so that my boys won't have to one of these days.