in ancient japan, it was believed that a warrior finding an orchid was a symbol of his bravery.
the aztecs made a potion using chocolate and extracts from the vanilla orchid, and used to drink this to enhance their power and physical strength.
according to Christian theology, the spots on certain species of the orchid symbolize the blood of Christ, and these flowers are used to decorate the altar during Easter, and are sometimes used in flower arrangements for Christmas.
in china, orchids are believed to represent fertility, refinement, thoughtfulness, and innocence of children. they are also believed to bring good luck and prosperity.
tribes inhabiting the calayan islands in the philippines, believe that orchids serve as the guardians of the forest.
the Javanese believe that jewel orchids are nothing but bits and pieces from a fairy princess' cloak!
orchid is the birth flower for those born under the sun sign of Aquarius, and represents loyalty.