this shot is inspired by the dutch graphic artist's work. the two glass towers look like one-dimensional separate sheets but each other's reflections give a confusing sense of direction and dimension especially when your neck is angled so badly from looking up. well, that's my story and i'm sticking with that.
these two buildings are part "The Toronto-Dominion Centre, or T-D Centre, a cluster of buildings in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada, owned by Cadillac Fairview, and consisting of six towers and a pavilion covered in bronze-tinted glass and black painted steel. It serves as the global headquarters of the Toronto-Dominion Bank, as well as providing office and retail space for many other businesses. Some 21,000 people work in the complex, making it the largest in Canada." (
the left tower is the TD bank tower and the right tower is called the TD north tower where we used to have offices until we moved to the gold building several years ago.
thank you for your kind visits and comments; know that they are especially appreciated. many thanks, too, for those who voted for my motion shot photo for the get pushed #53. i hate peddling myself but i didn't want to get a zilch vote yet i can't bring myself to vote for my own work. but i sincerely asked that you vote for whoever's work you think is best. i owe you folks plenty. :-)