a four-hour walk at the islands with jackie and dave. it was such a pleasant afternoon for a walk - bright sunshine, and a pleasant breeze. such a contrast when we went to shoot at the arches when it was pissing rain.
@summerfield Sorry, Vicki...not in the foreseeable future! We only just returned to Lunenburg! We've been to the airport in Toronto a number of times, but never visited the city. I'm sure it has a great deal to see, but I'm slowing down a bit each summer... : (
@Weezilou go visit, Vikki ( the Vikster!) is a fantastic hostess @ludwigsdiana v kind @golftragic I have so many skyline and CN tower shots @grammyn I think I spotted her take this
@summerfield thank you again for taking us to places we never would have seen or eaten at. X
@ludwigsdiana v kind
@golftragic I have so many skyline and CN tower shots
@grammyn I think I spotted her take this
@summerfield thank you again for taking us to places we never would have seen or eaten at. X