stayed home to do my taxes and it took a great deal of restraining myself from turning on the computer. even greater restraint in picking up the camera and leave the apartment to photograph anything. the chance came when i realized i needed a receipt from my bank so there i had an excuse to go out.
walking to the subway, it was pissing rain, gloomy grey and the wind just killed the enthusiasm out of me as it was so damn cold. i took a few shots and put away the camera. imagine how pissed i was when i downloaded the few shots i took and they all looked like this. i don't know, but i think my camera is possessed!
so what to do? über processed the heck out of it and mind you, more details came out and turning off its colours, i got this beautiful tone. now the sucker looks like a painting. let's stick with that story.
thank you for your kind visits and comments; i do appreciate them all. i shall once again be missing in action as little ivy jean and young jack are coming to visit us for the weekend. i shall catch up with you as soon as i can.
I do so love that you tell us the story behind your post. This one is so good once processed. It has a sense that something is about to happen, but leaves us to imagine what it might be....... very clever ;o)