trouble maker by summerfield

trouble maker

these are backgammon chips. this game always brings special memories for me. i learned to play this game in the mid-80's when i lived in the sultanate of oman.

i was introduced to a filipino man who was a manager at the intercontinental hotel in muscat. we talked mostly about food and he asked for my phone number. i gave him my phone number at the office but i jumbled up the digits. that was my trick whenever i wasn't sure if i liked to see a man again. but he was a smart guy and was able to track me down after two weeks.

so he asked me for a date. in oman dates were limited to dinner either at a restaurant or at home. and since he mentioned he could make a mean garlic spare ribs, and banana flambé for dessert, there was no reason to say no really.

it turned out i enjoyed the magnificent lunch he prepared, as well as the beautiful dessert. he was an incredible cook! afterwards, we drove down to the marina and we jogged by the water. when we came back to his apartment, i noticed the backgammon board by his stereo. when i told him i've never heard of the game, he offered to teach me how to play. after two rounds i got the hang of it and i even won a few times after. we didn't even notice it was already late in the evening. when he walked me to my car, he said he truly enjoyed himself and could he see me again. needless to say, for the duration of my three years in oman, we were an item in muscat's social circles.

there was one hitch though. make that two. he was five years younger than me. while i knew i could look past the small age problem, what bothered me was that he came from one of the old moneyed families in manila. abroad was a fair playing field. but back home reality was that "oil and water" (as our society termed it at the outset) do not mix. if we married, it didn't matter that i've worked hard and have a successful career and made it on my own. i'd always be the poor girl, or worse, the social climber. i was very conscious of that when at one point, i went back to manila for a holiday and i had to deliver a small package for his father. wouldn't you know it, i was given the "third degree". it was the sole source of our disagreements. so when i migrated to canada and it was a good excuse for me to let go. a few years ago, he was on the cover of a popular business magazine in asia and europe. i've always told my friends that he was "the one that got away".

heavens bless facebook and the internet, we caught up with each other in 2011. during dinner he mentioned that if i wasn't such boneheaded we would have conquered the whole world together.

good night, folks. i shall catch up with your albums tomorrow.
Can I just say...WOW! ??? What a great thing you shared that intimate story of your life here. Moving! And I learned to play the game when dating my first "real" boyfriend my Sr. year in HS. We played alot. I still have a travel set at the lake house, but hubby and i don't play. Maybe tomorrow I will suggest it.
May 3rd, 2014  
Well, hows my boneheaded Vikki now? Hopefully happy with what you have done for yourself! Great story - a what if one. I quite like backgammon - interesting picture!
May 3rd, 2014  
Don't remember the red pieces; we always played with black and white pieces, or rather the guys in my family did. Oh, memories......there always seems to be one who leaves their imprint on our hearts, the one we cannot forget! I am glad you listened to your knew how it was going to turn out despite his assurances....
May 3rd, 2014  
Love backgammon, haven't played in years. It is so interesting how little things spark huge memories.
May 3rd, 2014  
I have never played, but would like to
May 3rd, 2014  
Makes a great pattern shot, remember many games.
May 3rd, 2014  
Great textures on the chips. We have this game board here and never learned how to play them.
May 3rd, 2014  
@espyetta - i don't play it anymore either. we have two sets here at home but partner is more the monopoly and scrabble guy. thank you, MB.

@maggiemae - the boneheaded vikki is happy what and where she is now. you know, filipino men are so hung up on continuation of their names or genes and the first thing they'd mention when things are getting serious is how many children they want. no matter how good the prospects were for me, when they start to dictate as to what i would have had to do after marriage, it's just a no-sell for me. :-) thank you, maggiemae.

@panthora - dang! his cooking was really to die for! hahaha! thank you, osia.

@salza - that is so true. i haven't thought about that thing in years! thank you, sally.

@sarasdadandmom - you wouldn't want to play with me, terry. i cheat like there's no tomorrow. hahahahaha!!!! thank you, terry.

@barneyone - isn't there a pattern or something challenge going on? i can't seem to find it.

@altadc - made of some kind of sturdy wood that i forget which one. thank you, alta. tell your boys it's great for getting girls. wink! wink! thank you, alta.
May 4th, 2014  
I played for a little while too- I can't remember who with though! It seems to me things worked out as they should. No matter how much you think you have the cultural norms licked, they still surface in latter years. It doesn't sound like he would have remained indifferent to the social status stuff for long. Good shot.
May 4th, 2014  
@olivetreeann - for sure, no regrets on my part. in fact wouldn't have thought about it if i had better things to photograph and needed a more interesting caption. :-) thank you, ann.
May 4th, 2014  
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